A main part of the subjects I studied while creating my collection is the ‘Paradox of Fashion’.
Philosopher Georg Simmel studied this subject and claimed that we all have the tendency to imitate others, while also tending to try and distinguish ourselves from them. The idea that every person wants to fit in and confirm to the uniformity around him, while also trying to showcase the things that make him or her different – their own individual characteristics.
My research question is whether individuality can exist in uniformity, and if so - how do we create it?
I examined dress codes, uniforms and status symbols over the years. During my research one thing stood out in particular - even when not being confined to a dress code, humans will still usually fall into "visual groups" where they will create social uniforms and status symbols.
This suggests that uniformity is a need we all have as humans. If so, it begs the question - can individuality still exist alongside this habit?
In creating my collection I tried to examine what will happened if we subtract a part of a certain "dress code". What will we find without it? To try and explore this question I used the subtraction technique in Photoshop.
While naturalizing familiar elements in dress codes, I reveled an empty PNG, which leaves white-grey checks.
I also tried to challenge familiar dress codes by playing with proportions, colors, and new combinations. Can those create individuality?